If you are a marketer, especially online marketer, you should’ve known that user engagement is essential for a successful online marketing strategy.
You will also notice that understanding which metrics to measure is similarly important. Whatever your business, there are some main metrics that should be tracked to analyse and evaluate user engagement. By combining these metrics, marketers can learn what happens in the market, how their strategies run and find ways to build better consumer engagement.
So here they are, 7 main metrics for marketers to build online marketing strategy and improve consumer engagement.
1. Traffic Sources
Traffic is the visitors of your website. While it is necessary to increase the number of your visitors, It is also important to know where your traffic comes from. You can use Google Analytics to track this information.
Traffic sources are separated into four categories as follows:
- Direct traffic: when visitors typed your URL in the address bar on their browser and directly access your website.
- Search traffic: when visitors came from search engine, generated by organic results or paid search results.
- Referral traffic: when visitors accessed your website by clicking on an external link somewhere.
- Social media traffic: when visitors arrived through a link on social media accounts.
Traffic sources help you figure out which strategy to execute for your online marketing.
2. Click-through Rate (CTR)
CTR measures the percentage of audiences who click on your contents. This metric indicates whether your contents can attract and build consumer interaction or not. And if it can, how high is its attraction.
3. Engagement Rate
There’s bounce rate and there’s engagement rate. Each is the opposite of the other.
Engagement rate explains how much the audiences interact with your contents. It usually marked with percentage as well. Higher rate means higher engagement.
4. Bounce Rate
While we need to increase the engagement rate, bounce rate is supposed to be decreased. Higher bounce rate means many visitors leave your website after a short time viewing on only one page.
5. Time on Contents
This metric defines what is the average time audiences stay, view and read your contents. This value is the main indicator of user engagement in contents.
6. Depth of Viewing
This metric defines how deep which also reflect how much of your contents are being view and read. Deeper view means more contents being consumed.
7. Action Rate
Shows how much your audiences act in clicking buttons or links within the website such as call to action or share buttons. Your page design and content impressions play a big role in capturing and directing audiences to a certain goal in your strategy.
There it is, 7 important metrics to track your online marketing strategy. If you have other metrics that you find important to measure, do let us know.
Wahidin Wong is a digital marketer at Adkomu.com and an editor at Tobeeko.com. He is also a jazz and bossa lover.
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Thanks, it was a good read.