Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved from the realm of fairy tales and fiction books to become an integral part of modern life. Its inception was rooted in the human desire for machines capable of solving complex problems, easing the mounting pressures of the 21st century. Today, AI has found its footing in some of the […]
Imagine having the required technologies but still not being able to achieve financial success or to the extent, you would like. While having the right tools is essential, strategies and discipline make a real difference. In this article, you will explore eight strategies for long-term financial success and the challenges you may encounter. What Constitutes […]
The modern economy makes financial planning more important than ever. Having a financial plan is crucial to get anywhere with your money, but you need to make sure that it’s a great financial plan. Achieving tremendous wealth is rarely easy, but enjoying sound financial health is certainly attainable if you have the right tips. Start […]
Stephanie SnyderStephanie Caroline Snyder graduated from The University of Florida in 2018; she majored in Communications with a minor in mass media. Currently, she is an Author and a Freelance Internet Writer, and a Blogger.
If you think about it, starting a startup is a tectonic shift for you. All your attention moves towards the startup, and you focus all your time, money and energy to make each day successful. And that’s backbreaking work. Especially when you spread resources thin and invest a lot of them in details your business […]
“Remember that Time is Money” is a very popular quote from Benjamin Franklin, a statesman, philosopher and scientist. That quote has been shorten to “Time is Money” and has remained as an important statement, especially related to business. As a businessman and entrepreneur, this is an important lesson to follow. So what exactly does time […]
Fintech is a hot startup topic right now. Fintech is not just another buzz on startup world but it is a technology niche that offer really high oppportunities. We have seen how the internet encouraged innovation in various industries, such as retail (B2B and B2C), entertainment (TV and movie), education (online course), media (news and magazine) […]
So, you have a good job or run a business that is profitable, but you still find this income is not enough to support your life. There may be something wrong with your life style. Read these tips if you plan to change and stay financially stable.